专题06 连词(原卷版)

2024-09-10·9页·228.3 K

三年(2022-2024)中考英语真题分项汇编(全国通用)专题06连词(2024中考真题)1. (2024安徽统考中考真题)—There is still a long way to go _________ we finish the task. —Don’t worry. Let’s go on with it together.A. as long asB. as soon asC. beforeD. because2. (2024福建统考中考真题)You can feel better ________ you take a walk in the park just for 20 minutes.A. ifB. beforeC. until3. (2024甘肃白银中考真题)Many students lose marks simply ________ they do not read the questions carefully.A. unlessB. soC. beforeD. because4. (2024甘肃省临夏州中考真题)Tom didn’t go to bed ________ his mother came back last night.A. untilB. ifC. becauseD. unless5. (2024甘肃省平凉市中考真题)Many students lose marks simply ________ they do not read the questions carefully.A. unlessB. soC. beforeD. because6. (2024黑龙江龙东地区中考真题)________ Jake ________ his mother likes pop songs, and they often sing together.A. Not only, but alsoB. Neither, norC. Either, or7. (2024黑龙江龙东地区中考真题)We must get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning, ________ we’ll be late for the train.A. andB. orC. but8. (2024黑龙江绥化中考真题)The flight was delayed (延期) because of storm, ________ the passengers had to wait at the airport.A. soB. orC. for9. (2024江苏省连云港市中考真题)Our school life is more interesting now _________ we can enjoy ourselves in different clubs.A. becauseB. whetherC. unlessD. although10. (2024江苏省扬州市中考真题)________ you are too tired to do all the things on your To-Do list, try a To-Don’t list.A. IfB. UntilC. AlthoughD. Unless11. (2024四川成都统考中考真题)Go bird-watching in Qinglong Lake, ________ you will find it fun and meaningful.A. andB. orC. but12.(2024四川泸州市中考真题) You will never truly understand your parents’ great love ______ you grow up.A. untilB. ifC. sinceD. as13. (2024四川遂宁市中考真题)Everything is possible ________ you work hard.A. as much asB. as soon asC. as long asD. as far as14. (2024四川自贡市中考真题)We can’t go swimming ________ our parents are with us.A. ifB. whenC. unless15. (2024天津中考真题)In autumn, the weather gets cooler ________ the green leaves start to turn gold.A. becauseB. butC. whetherD. and16. (2024河北统考中考真题)Jeff still works hard ________ he has achieved great success.A. ifB. beforeC. thoughD. because(2023中考真题)1.(2023山东青岛统考中考真题)My hometown has changed a lot ________ the subway was put into use.A.unlessB.sinceC.ifD.when2.(2023江苏徐州中考真题)Let’s take the simple steps today ________ we will save the world for our grandsons and granddaughters tomorrow.A.unlessB.untilC.so thatD.though3.(2023辽宁丹东统考中考真题)David, go to bed early, ________ you will feel sleepy in class tomorrow.A.andB.unlessC.orD.but4.(2023湖北恩施中考真题)—Miss Wang, what’s the most important thing ________ we go travelling?—You should make a plan first.A.whileB.beforeC.after5.(2023江苏宿迁统考中考真题)Miss Xu goes jogging in Huanghe Park every morning ________ it rains.A.unlessB.tillC.sinceD.as6.(2023北京统考中考真题)It was difficult to climb the mountain, ________ Sam got to the top at last.A.orB.soC.forD.but7.(2023辽宁抚顺统考中考真题)My parents won’t allow me to do things I like ________ I finish my homework.A.ifB.butC.becauseD.unless8.(2023吉林长春统考中考真题)It is really dangerous _______ people run the red traffic light.A.ifB.unlessC.thoughD.until9.(2023江苏无锡统考中考真题)I will try my best to help you, ________ I don’t know what to start with yet.A.whetherB.sinceC.thoughD.until10.(2023辽宁沈阳统考中考真题)“Post-2000s” (00 后) have begun to amaze the world ________ they are very young.A.thoughB.ifC.unlessD.before11.(2023江苏泰州中考真题)The news Besides A and B, C appears beautifully in the sky makes us excited ________ “C” is C919 from China, with many Jiangsu elements(元素).A.becauseB.soC.thoughD.then12.(2023新疆中考真题)________ the times keep changing, young people in China have shown the same promise.A.ButB.UnlessC.AlthoughD.As soon as13.(2023四川遂宁中考真题)The city Zibo is ________ popular ________ many people want to go there for a trip this year.A.so, thatB.such, thatC.too, toD.very, that14.(2023黑龙江绥化统考中考真题)— Could you tell me something about Yuan Longping?— Yes, he’s called the “Father of Hybrid Rice”. He helped to save ________ China ________ the world from hunger.A.neither; norB.either; orC.not only; but also15.(2023辽宁统考中考真题)It’s raining too hard outside. We won’t leave ________ the rain stops.A.ifB.afterC.whenD.until16.(2023黑龙江牡丹江统考中考真题)Zhang Guimei once said. “________ I’m alive, I will donate (献身) myself to teaching.”A.Even thoughB.As soon asC.As long as17.(2023辽宁营口中考真题)It’s a pity that ________ my father ________ my mother has time to attend my school-leavers’ party.A.either, orB.neither, norC.both, andD.not only, but also18.(2023辽宁营口中考真题)It is necessary to ask your parents or teachers for some advice ________ you make the final decision.A.becauseB.unlessC.beforeD.after19.(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)Have a try, ________ you will never know what you can achieve.A.orB.andC.but20.(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)— What do you think of the new movie Wandering Earth ?— It’s ________ wonderful ________ I really like it.A.too;toB.so;thatC.such;that21.(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)I will never forget that car accident ________ it happened so long ago.A.untilB.ifC.even though22.(2023四川乐山统考中考真题)Many people all over the world want to climb Qomolongma each year, ________ it is very dangerous.A.ifB.whileC.though23.(2023湖北孝感统考中考真题)—How time flies! We’ll graduate from middle school this weekend!—________ we have to say goodbye, I will remember our friendship forever.A.BecauseB.AlthoughC.UnlessD.Until24.(2023福建统考中考真题)________ David has failed many times, he is always full of hope for the future.A.IfB.WhenC.Though25.(2023福建统考中考真题)________ David has failed many times, he is always full of hope for the future.A.IfB.WhenC.Though26.(2023河北统考中考真题)Hurry up, ________ you will miss the beginning of the concert.A.soB.orC.andD.but27.(2023河北统考中考真题)Lisa was busy taking notes ________ Mark was giving a talk.A.ifB.unlessC.untilD.while28.(2023湖南岳阳统考中考真题)You won’t pass the PE exam successfully ________ you exercise every day.A.ifB.unlessC.as long as29.(2023山东滨州统考中考真题)—I think I am the shyest in my class. What should I do?—Be more active in class ________ you can improve your ability to express yourself.A.orB.so thatC.unlessD.although30.(2023甘肃白银统考中考真题)Let’s wait ________ the rain stops.A.soB.whileC.sinceD.until31.(2023江苏扬州统考中考真题)Everyone will have to get out of their houses ________ meet their neighbours.A.andB.butC.orD.so32.(2023天津统考中考真题)You should turn off the lights ________ you leave the room.A.untilB.beforeC.althoughD.so33.(2023江西统考中考真题)Mary cut her knee badly, ________ she didn’t cry.A.butB.asC.soD.since34.(2023安徽统考中考真题)Our country will be much better for everyone in future ________ we all do something to help now.A.ifB.beforeC.so thatD.even thoughA.IfB.UntilC.Unless36.(2023四川泸州统考中考真题)—Mum is too busy to make dinner for us.—Let’s do it ourselves, ________ we shouldn’t depend on our parents too much.A.soB.becauseC.butD.or(2022中考真题)1.(2022湖南湘西中考真题)The smart phone is a good tool for communication, ________ using it too much is bad for our growth(成长).A.andB.butC.or2.(2022山东滨州中考真题)—I like riding fast. It’s very exciting. —Oh! You mustn’t do it like that, ________ you may have an accident.A.orB.soC.andD.but3.(2022广西柳州中考真题)Lucy ________ Lily are classmates. They are in Class 1.A.butB.orC.and4.(2022黑龙江黑龙江中考真题)We should do everything to protect the earth, ________ we’ll lose our home.A.orB.soC.and5.(2022贵州黔东南中考真题)Have a try, ________ you will never know what you can achieve.A.orB.whileC.tillD.and6.(2022北京中考真题)Mr. Smith has helped me a lot, _________ I’m thankful to him.A.orB.butC.forD.so7.(2022辽宁大连中考真题)The volunteers continued their work ________ they were very tired.A.ifB.becauseC.althoughD.as8.(2022湖南邵阳中考真题)— Mike, why are you reading outside?— I cannot enter the library ________ it opens.A.becauseB.ifC.until9.(2022辽宁营口中考真题)My pen friend knows a lot about China ________ she has never been here.A.althoughB.ifC.becauseD.until10.(2022山东菏泽中考真题)—Daddy, can I go out to play soccer with my friends now? —Well, you can’t go ________ you finish your homework first.A.ifB.sinceC.unless11.(2022广西中考真题)Mr. Zhao has given much money to Project Hope ________ he is not so rich.A.ifB.thoughC.becauseD.unless12.(2022江苏徐州中考真题)Dad sometimes goes to the supermarket with us ________ he hates going shopping.A.becauseB.soC.thoughD.if13.(2022辽宁辽宁中考真题)Teenagers should do some housework ________ they finish their homework.A.untilB.butC.afterD.unless14.(2022黑龙江绥化中考真题)—The big stone is ________ heavy ________ I can’t carry it alone.—Don’t worry. I will help you.A.such; thatB.so; thatC.too; to15.(2022内蒙古包头中考真题)Many wild animals don’t have a safe place to live, ________ villages and farms are growing bigger and taking away their land.A.becauseB.untilC.althoughD.before16.(2022黑龙江中考真题)It’s necessary to learn English well, ________ it’s a little difficult.A.unlessB.althoughC.as17.(2022贵州毕节中考真题)________ the weather improves, we’ll have to cancel the outdoor picnic.A.UnlessB.IfC.BecauseD.When18.(2022黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)— Why do you have time to look after the homeless dogs?— ________ the “double reduction” policy (双减政策), I have more free time.A.Because ofB.Even thoughC.As for19.(2022海南中考真题)According to the latest rules, everyone must have their temperature taken ________ they enter the school.A.beforeB.thoughC.unless20.(2022广西贺州中考真题)I won’t go to the movies this afternoon ________ I’m free.A.orB.unlessC.becauseD.than21.(2022江苏无锡中考真题)You will not get the special gift ________ you finish all the tasks.A.afterB.becauseC.whileD.unless22.(2022福建中考真题)We are making a big cake ________ it’s Dad’s birthday today.A.becauseB.untilC.once23.(2022江苏泰州中考真题)—It is impossible to finish the difficult task in such a short time on my own ________ both of us work together. —No problem. Let’s start!A.ifB.butC.becauseD.unless24.(2022四川凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所中考真题)—Time to go home, Peter.—Wait a minute. I can’t go home ________ I finish cleaning the hallway.A.sinceB.afterC.until25.(2022甘肃武威中考真题)I haven’t got any apple juice, ________ I’ve got some orange juice. Would you like some?A.butB.andC.orD.for26.(2022四川乐山中考真题)Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, ________ you’ll never really learn the language.A.andB.orC.so27.(2022河北中考真题)I saw a good film, ________ I can’t remember its name.A.soB.orC.forD.but28.(2022天津中考真题)Before you get off the bus, you should wait ________ it has stopped.A.untilB.butC.becauseD.so29.(2022安徽中考真题)You won’t fully experience the culture of a foreign country ________ you go there in person.A.becauseB.unlessC.as soon asD.as long as30.(2022江西中考真题)________ many things change a lot, a love of sports hasn’t changed a bit.A.IfB.BeforeC.ThoughD.Because31.(2022河北中考真题)________ you can use your dictionary, you will learn English better.A.IfB.UnlessC.ThoughD.Before32.(2022四川成都中考真题)Mary has learned a lot about the history of Sichuan _______ she can be a tour guide.A.even ifB.as soon asC.so that33.(2022云南昆明中考真题)________ Yuan Longping, the Father of Hybrid Rice, has passed away, he is forever in my mind.A.IfB.UnlessC.BeforeD.Although34.(2022云南中考真题)For your safety, you mustn’t get close to the train ________ it stops.A.whileB.whenC.sinceD.until35.(2022浙江温州中考真题)—Mum, may I have more chocolate?—You’d better not ________ too much sweet food is bad for health.A.untilB.whileC.althoughD.because36.(2022重庆A卷中考真题)They have been friends ________ they first met.A.sinceB.whileC.beforeD.after37.(2022重庆B卷中考真题)________ Zhang Guimei isn’t in good health, she works hard to help her students.A.AlthoughB.IfC.BecauseD.When38.(2022四川自贡中考真题)—Learning to love is like learning to walk.—Yes, ________ we step out bravely, we can find it easy.A.althoughB.whenC.unless39.(2022四川自贡中考真题)—This math exercise is ________ difficult ________ I can’t work it out.—Come on! Use your head and you will find a way.A.such; thatB.so; whichC.so; that40.(2022四川泸州中考真题)—Peter, how long have you been in the ice skating club? —Not long. I didn’t join the club ________ I enjoyed the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.A.whenB.untilC.unlessD.after41.(2022湖南怀化中考真题)I want to buy something special for my grandmother, _______ her birthday is coming.A.becauseB.althoughC.so42.(2022湖南岳阳中考真题)I will return it to the library _______ I finish reading Little Women.A.no longerB.as soon asC.so that43.(2022江苏扬州中考真题)________ astronauts go on spacewalks, they wear spacesuits to keep themselves safe.A.ThoughB.TillC.WhenD.Unless44.(2022湖北十堰中考真题)To avoid the virus (病毒), we should wash hands more carefully ________ we have meals.A.soB.beforeC.becauseD.although





