专题13 宾语从句和定语从句(解析版)

2024-09-10·42页·273.6 K

三年(2022-2024)中考英语真题分项汇编(全国通用)专题13宾语从句定语从句(2024中考真题)考点1 宾语从句1. (2024安徽统考中考真题)—Could you tell us ________ we can start a conversation with a foreigner? —Talking about weather is a good choice.A. howB. whetherC. whyD. when【答案】A【解析】句意:——你能告诉我们如何与外国人开始对话吗?——谈论天气是个不错的选择。考查宾语从句的引导词。how如何;whether是否;why为什么;when什么时候。根据“we can start a conversation with a foreigner”以及“Talking about weather is a good choice.”可知是如何与外国人开始对话,用how引导宾语从句。故选A。2. (2024福建统考中考真题)—Do you know ________?—Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu, all born in the 1980s.A. how the Shenzhou XVIII entered spaceB. when the Shenzhou XVIII entered spaceC. who entered space in the Shenzhou XV【答案】C【解析】句意:——你知道谁乘坐神舟18号进入太空了吗?——80后的叶光富、李聪、李广苏。考查宾语从句。根据“Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu, all born in the 1980s.”可知此句是对人的提问,用who引导的宾语从句。故选C。3. (2024甘肃白银中考真题)—Excuse me, do you know ________?—Sure. There’s a supermarket down the street.A. where I can buy some vegetablesB. how to get to the post officeC. when the band starts playingD. why he’s late for school again【答案】A【解析】句意:——对不起,你知道在哪里可以买到蔬菜吗?——当然。这条街上有一家超市。考查宾语从句。where I can buy some vegetables在哪里可以买到蔬菜;how to get to the post office去邮局怎么走;when the band starts playing乐队何时开始演奏;why he’s late for school again他为什么上学又迟到了。根据答语“Sure. There’s a supermarket down the streel.”可知,去超市买东西,故选A。4. (2024甘肃省临夏州中考真题)—Do you know ________ Dunhuang?—Because the scenery there is so fascinating and the culture is so rich.A. what they think ofB. how to get toC. why many people travel toD. where we can learn about【答案】C【解析】句意:——你知道为什么很多人去敦煌旅游吗?——因为那里的景色如此迷人,文化如此丰富。考查宾语从句。根据“Because…”可知,此处询问原因,用why引导宾语从句。故选C。5. (2024甘肃省临夏州中考真题)A true friend is a person ________ can help you when you are in trouble.A. whoB. whomC. whoseD. which【答案】A【解析】句意:真正的朋友是在你困难的时候能帮助你的人。考查定语从句引导词。who指人,在句中作主语/宾语;whom指人,在句中作宾语;whose在句中作定语;which在句中指物。空格所在句为定语从句,修饰名词person,指人,并且在句中作主语,用引导词who。故选A。6. (2024广西统考中考真题)—Could you please tell me ________?—In my hometown.A. how you usually go to schoolB. where you usually spend your holidayC. when you usually have breakfast at school【答案】B【解析】句意:——你能告诉我你通常在哪里度假吗?——在我的家乡。考查宾语从句。根据答语“In my hometown.”可知,对地点提问,故选B。7. (2024河北统考中考真题)To know ________ the mountain top looks like, you need to reach it.A. whatB. whenC. whereD. which【答案】A【解析】句意:要想知道山顶是什么样子,你需要到达它。考查宾语从句。what什么;when什么时候;where哪里;which哪一个。分析句子可知,此处指想知道山顶是什么样子,应用what引导宾语从句。故选A。8. (2024黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)—I wonder ________? —I’m not sure. Let’s ask Miss Li for help.A. which subject should we chooseB. what we can do with the rest materialsC. that Bob went to the library just now【答案】B【解析】句意:——我想知道我们能用剩下的材料做什么?——我不确定。让我们向李小姐求助。考查宾语从句。分析句子可知,wonder后接宾语从句,此处不能用that引导,排除C选项。从句应为陈述句语序,排除A选项。故选B。9. (2024黑龙江绥化中考真题)— There will be a robot on show in our school next week.— Really? I wonder ________.A. what it likesB. what it is likeC. what is it like【答案】B【解析】句意:——下周我们学校将展出一个机器人。——真的吗?我想知道那是什么样子。考查宾语从句。根据英语语法,宾语从句应用陈述句语序,C选项可排除。根据上文“There will be a robot on show”提示,此处指的是想知道机器人是什么样子的,故应用what it is like。故选B。10. (2024湖北省武汉中考真题)The saying “Knowledge starts with practice” tells us ________.A. what is knowledgeB. how we can get knowledgeC. why is practice powerfulD. when we should start practicing【答案】B【解析】句意:“实践出真知”这句话告诉我们如何获得知识。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除AC;结合“Knowledge starts with practice”可知,强调方式,故选B。11. (2024江苏省连云港市中考真题)—John, can you tell me _________ in the future? —I want to be a football player.A. what will you doB. where will you goC. what you will doD. where you will go【答案】C【解析】句意:——约翰,你能告诉我你将来要做什么吗?——我想成为一名足球运动员。考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除AB;根据“I want to be a football player.”可知此处询问职业,用what引导宾语从句。故选C。12.(2024江苏省扬州市中考真题) Teenagers don’t always understand ________ their parents have so many rules.A. whyB. whichC. whereD. what【答案】A【解析】句意:青少年并不总是理解为什么他们的父母有这么多规则。考查宾语从句。why为什么;which哪一个;where在哪里;what什么。分析句子可知,此处是含宾语从句的复合句,从句不缺主语、宾语,故不用which、what引导从句。结合句子可知,此处询问原因,故用why。故选A。13. (2024四川成都统考中考真题)—Do you know ________ AI is being used to create music?—I’m not sure. Maybe it’s cheaper than paying a musician.A. whyB. ifC. how【答案】A【解析】句意:——你知道为什么人工智能被用来创作音乐吗?——我不确定。也许它比付钱给音乐家便宜。考查宾语从句。why为什么;if如果;how怎样。根据“AI is being used to create music”及“Maybe it’s cheaper than paying a musician.”可知,此处是询问为什么AI被用来创作音乐,答语给出了原因,应用why引导宾语从句。故选A。14. (2024四川乐山中考真题)—I just went back from Guangzhou. Can you guess __________?—I suppose you took the high-speed train (高铁).A. how did I get thereB. when I got thereC. how I got there【答案】C【解析】句意:——我刚从广州回来。你能猜到我是怎么到那里的吗?——我想你坐的是高铁。考查宾语从句。分析句子可知,本句是宾语从句,用陈述语序,可排除A选项;根据“took the high-speed train (高铁).”可知,是让对方猜测如何去广州的,用how引导宾语从句。故选C。15. (2024四川凉山中考真题)—Could you tell me ______ people call these children “little oranges”?—Because they wear cute orange clothing and oranges are famous in Guangxi.A. howB. whenC. why【答案】C【解析】句意:——你能告诉我为什么人们叫这些孩子“小砂糖桔”吗?——因为他们穿着可爱的橙色衣服,桔子在广西很有名。考查宾语从句。how怎样;when什么时候;why为什么。根据答语“Because…”可知,此处询问原因,应用why引导宾语从句。故选C。16.(2024四川遂宁市中考真题) —Excuse me, could you please tell me ________?—It’s on sale, only 45 yuan. Do you like it?A. how much does the jacket costB. how much the jacket costsC. what was the price of the jacketD. whether the price of the jacket was high【答案】B【解析】句意:——对不起,你能告诉我这件夹克多少钱吗?——它在搞特价,只要45元。你喜欢吗?考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除AC;根据答语“It’s on sale, only 45 yuan.”可知,是对价格提问,用how much,故选B。17. (2024四川遂宁市中考真题)—Daddy, the Middle Autumn Festival is coming. Could you please tell me ________ for grandparents? —You can buy some mooncakes, fruits and flowers for them.A. how to buyB. what to buyC. where to buyD. when to buy【答案】B【解析】句意:——爸爸,中秋节就要到了。你能告诉我给爷爷奶奶买什么吗?——你可以给他们买一些月饼、水果和鲜花。考查“疑问词+不定式”结构。根据答语“You can buy some mooncakes, fruits and flowers for them.”可知,询问应该买什么,故选B。18. (2024四川自贡市中考真题)My teacher told us that May 18th ________ the International Museum Day.A. isB. wasC. be【答案】A【解析】句意:老师告诉我们5月18日是国际博物馆日。考查宾语从句时态。that后接的是宾语从句,从句陈述的是客观事实,所以从句用一般现在时,故选A。19.(2024天津中考真题) — Could you tell me _________?— He likes the Science Museum best.A. when Kevin visited the museumB. which museum Kevin likes bestC. when did Kevin visit the museumD. which museum does Kevin like best【答案】B【解析】句意:——你能告诉我凯文最喜欢哪个博物馆吗?——他最喜欢科学博物馆考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除CD;根据答语“He likes the Science Museum best.”可知,询问最喜欢哪个,故选B。20. (2024云南省中考真题)—Can you tell me________?—Sure. I usually give some books to a village library.A. when World Book Day isB. when is World Book DayC. how you celebrate World Book DayD. how do you celebrate World Book Day【答案】C【解析】句意:——你能告诉我你是如何庆祝世界图书日的吗?——当然。我通常会把一些书送给村里的图书馆。考查宾语从句。根据“I usually give some books to a village library.”及选项可知,此处询问如何庆祝世界读书日,询问方式,应用how引导宾语从句。宾语从句应为陈述语序,排除D选项。故选C。21. (2024黑龙江龙东地区中考真题)With the development of the technology, nobody knows ________ the world will be like.A. thatB. whatC. how【答案】B【解析】句意:随着技术的发展,没有人知道世界会是什么样子。考查宾语从句。that引导宾语从句,无实义;what引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语、宾语;how引导宾语从句,在从句中作方式状语。此处指没有人知道世界会是什么样子,用what引导宾语从句,充当like的宾语。故选B。考点2 定语从句1. (2024黑龙江绥化中考真题)—I feel so nervous. What should I do?—You’d better listen to music that ________.A. helps you relaxB. you can danceC. makes you sad【答案】A【解析】句意:——我感到很紧张,我该怎么办?——你最好听听能帮助你放松的音乐。考查定语从句和情景交际。helps you relax帮你放松;you can dance你能跳舞;makes you sad让你伤心。分析句子可知,that后是定语从句,修饰名词music,B项语法上错误,应是you can dance to;结合“I feel so nervous, what should I do?”可知,空处给出的建议应是帮助对方消除紧张,所以A项符合语境,故选A。2. (2024四川乐山中考真题)—I’ll never forget the experiences ______ we had in the volunteer work last summer.—Me too. The 3 days were meaningful and full of fun.A. whenB. whoC. that【答案】C【解析】句意:——我永远不会忘记去年夏天我们在志愿者工作中的经历。——我也是。这三天是有意义的,充满了乐趣。考查定语从句。when先行词为时间,在从句中作状语;who先行词为人,在从句中作主语/宾语;that先行词为人/物。根据“experiences”可知,先行词为物,且关系词在从句中作宾语,用that引导。故选C。3. (2024四川泸州市中考真题)A true friend is a person ________ will always be there to share your laughter and tears.A. whatB. whichC. whoD. whom【答案】C【解析】句意:真正的朋友是一个永远会与你分享欢笑和泪水的人。考查定语从句。what什么,不引导定语从句;which哪一个,先行词指物;who谁,先行词指人,在从句中作主语或宾语;whom谁,先行词指人,在从句中作宾语。分析句子可知,此处是含定语从句的复合句,先行词a person指人,且连接词在从句中作主语,故用who引导定语从句。故选C。4. (2024四川遂宁市中考真题)—What kind of movies do you like best? —I like the movies ________ make me feel happy and relaxed.A. whatB. whichC. whoD. /【答案】B【解析】句意:——你最喜欢哪种电影?——我喜欢那些让我感到快乐和放松的电影。考查定语从句。what什么,不引导定语从句;which引导定语从句,先行词指物,在从句中作主语或宾语;who谁,引导定语从句,先行词指人,在从句中作主语或宾语。分析句子可知,此处是含定语从句的复合句,先行词the movies指物,且连接词在从句中作主语,应用which引导,且不可省略。故选B。(2023中考真题)考点1 宾语从句1.(2023青海统考中考真题)A best friend is a person _________ is always there when you need him or her. As the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”A.whomB.whoseC.who【答案】C【详解】句意:最好的朋友是当你需要他或她时总是在那里的人。俗话说:“患难见真情。”考查定语从句关系词。根据“a person ... is always there when you need him or her”可知此处是定语从句,先行词指人且在从句中作主语,用who引导定语从句。故选C。2.(2023湖北十堰统考中考真题)—I want to know ________.—Friendly and honest people.A.when you will meet your friendsB.how you make your friends happyC.where you spend weekends with friendsD.what kind of people you want to make friends with【答案】D【详解】句意:——我想知道你想和什么样的人交朋友。——友好和诚实的人。考查宾语从句。when you will meet your friends你什么时候去见你的朋友;how you make your friends happy你如何让你的朋友开心;where you spend weekends with friends你和朋友在哪里度过周末;what kind of people you want to make friends with你想和什么样的人交朋友。根据答语“Friendly and honest people.”可知,是描述人的性格,故选D。3.(2023山东青岛统考中考真题)—Bob, could you tell me ________?—Of course. Every day.A.when the teacher will comeB.why you keep a diaryC.how long you slept last nightD.how often you exercise【答案】D【详解】句意:——鲍勃,你能告诉我你多久锻炼一次吗?——当然可以。每一天。考查宾语从句。when the teacher will come老师什么时候会来;why you keep a diary你为什么写日记;how long you slept last night你昨晚睡了多久;how often you exercise你多久锻炼一次。tell后缺少宾语,此处是宾语从句,根据“Every day”可知对频率提问,用“how often”。故选D。4.(2023山东东营统考中考真题)—Do you know ________?—It’s in the desert to the east of Cairo.A.what the new capital of Egypt (埃及) isB.where the new capital of Egypt isC.how big the new capital of Egypt isD.why Egypt is getting a new capital【答案】B【详解】句意:——你知道埃及的新首都在哪里吗?——它在开罗东边的沙漠里。考查宾语从句。根据“It’s in the desert to the east of Cairo.”可知此处询问埃及的新首都在哪里,用where引导宾语从句。故选B。5.(2023辽宁丹东统考中考真题)— Could you please tell me ________?— It’s on the second floor.A.why you were lateB.where the restroom isC.when the shop opensD.how the weather will be tomorrow【答案】B【详解】句意:——你能告诉我洗手间在哪里吗?——在二楼。考查宾语从句。why you were late你为什么迟到;where the restroom is洗手间在哪里;when the shop opens商店什么时候开门;how the weather will be tomorrow明天天气如何。根据“It’s on the second floor.”可知是问地点,应用where引导宾语从句,故选B。6.(2023辽宁锦州统考中考真题)—Amy, I wonder ________ in the street when I come to pick you up. —Well, there’s a big tree with lovely flowers by the front gate at the moment.A.who I can go withB.how I can find your houseC.why I can’t take the busD.when I should arrive at your house【答案】B【详解】句意:——艾米,我来接你的时候不知道怎么在街上找到你家。——嗯,现在大门口有一棵开着可爱花朵的大树。考查宾语从句。who I can go with我可以和谁一起去;how I can find your house我怎么能找到你家;why I can’t take the bus为什么我不能坐公共汽车;when I should arrive at your house我应该什么时候到达你家。根据答语“Well, there’s a big tree with lovely flowers by the front gate at the moment.”可知,询问怎么能找到对方的家。故选B。7.(2023江苏宿迁统考中考真题)—I wonder ________. —My best friend James.A.how can you spend the coming summer holidaysB.how you can spend the coming summer holidaysC.who will you spend the coming summer holidays withD.who you will spend the coming summer holidays with【答案】D【详解】句意:——我想知道你打算和谁一起过暑假。——我最好的朋友詹姆斯。考查宾语从句。wonder后缺少宾语,用宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序,排除AC;再由“My best friend James.”可知对人提问,用who引导宾语从句,排除B。故选D。8.(2023辽宁抚顺统考中考真题)—Hi, Kate. I want to know ________.—You can help to hand out some notices.A.when School Day isB.who can come to School DayC.why we hold School DayD.what I can do for School Day【答案】D【详解】句意:——你好,凯特。我想知道我能为学校日做些什么。——你可以帮忙发一些通知。考查宾语从句。when School Day is学校日是什么时候;who can come to School Day谁能来学校日;why we hold School Day我们为什么要举办学校日;what I can do for School Day我能为学校日做些什么。根据答语“You can help to hand out some notices.”可知,询问能为学校日做些什么。故选D。9.(2023吉林长春统考中考真题)— I wonder _______ this evening. — What about the Sports Center? It’s big and clean.A.where we can play basketballB.when we can play basketballC.when can we play basketballD.where can we play basketball【答案】A【详解】句意:——我想知道今晚我们可以在哪里打篮球。——体育中心怎么样?它又大又干净。考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序,排除CD;再由“What about the Sports Center?”可知询问地点,用where引导宾语从句,排除B。故选A。10.(2023江苏无锡统考中考真题)—You know ________? In 12 hours!— That’s crazy. How is it even possible?A.how soon we must finish the taskB.how often we must finish the taskC.how soon must we finish the taskD.how often must we finish the task【答案】A【详解】句意:——你知道我们要多久完成任务吗?12小时内!——这太疯狂了。这怎么可能?考查宾语从句。分析句子结构可知,从句用陈述语序,排除C和D选项。根据“In 12 hours”可知,in+一段时间,要用how soon引导宾语从句,故选A。11.(2023辽宁沈阳统考中考真题)—Could you tell me ________?—By underground.A.where is Shenyang Imperial PalaceB.where Shenyang Imperial Palace isC.how I can get to Shenyang Imperial PalaceD.how can I get to Shenyang Imperial Palace【答案】C【详解】句意:——你能告诉我我怎么去沈阳故宫吗?——乘地铁。考查宾语从句。tell后缺少直接宾语,根据“By underground.”可知询问出行方式,宾语从句引导词用how,排除AB;宾语从句用陈述语序,排除D。故选C。12.(2023新疆中考真题)—Do you know ___________ ?—It was introduced through the Silk Road.A.why pepper was planted in ChinaB.what pepper was used for in ChinaC.when pepper was discovered in ChinaD.how pepper was introduced to China【答案】D【详解】句意:——你知道胡椒是如何传入中国的吗?——它是通过丝绸之路传入的。考查宾语从句。why pepper was planted in China为什么胡椒在中国种植;what pepper was used for in China在中国,胡椒是用来做什么的;when pepper was discovered in China胡椒是什么时候在中国发现的;how pepper was introduced to China胡椒是如何传入中国的。空处作know的宾语,所以是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,四个选项都符合;结合答语“It was introduced through the Silk Road.”可知,是询问传入方式的,所以用how引导宾语从句,故选D。13.(2023四川遂宁中考真题)— Sandy, Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Could you tell me________?— Sure! You can buy some in Shihui Supermarket. It’s not far from here.A.where I can buy some sweet zongziB.who likes eating sweet zongziC.whether this kind of zongzi is sweetD.how you make sweet zongzi【答案】A【详解】句意:——桑迪,端午节快到了。你能告诉我在哪里可以买到甜粽子吗?——当然!你可以在十汇超市买一些。它离这里不远。考查宾语从句。where I can buy some sweet zongzi哪里可以买到甜粽子;who likes eating sweet zongzi谁喜欢吃甜粽子;whether this kind of zongzi is sweet这种粽子是否甜;how you make sweet zongzi你怎样做甜粽子的。空处作tell的宾语 ,是宾语从句,宾语从句要用陈述句语序,选项语序都正确。根据“You can buy some in Shihui Supermarket. It’s not far from here.”可知,问句是问可以买到粽子的地方。故选A。14.(2023辽宁统考中考真题)—I’ll visit the old people’s home this weekend, but I don’t know ________.—You can ride a bike.A.how I should go thereB.who I should go withC.when I should come backD.where I should stay【答案】A【详解】句意: ——这个周末我要去敬老院,但我不知道该怎么去。——你可以骑自行车。考查宾语从句。how I should go there我该怎么去那儿;who I should go with我该和谁一起去;when I should come back我什么时候回来;where I should stay我该待在哪里。根据“You can ride a bike.”可知,是指去敬老院的方式,应用how引导宾语从句,故选A。15.(2023黑龙江牡丹江统考中考真题)—Alice, I wonder ________ you won the tug-of-war (拔河比赛) yesterday.—Yeah! We pulled together and made it in the end.A.whatB.whereC.whether【答案】C【详解】句意:——爱丽丝,我想知道你昨天是否赢了拔河比赛。——是的。我们齐心协力,最终取得了胜利。考查宾语从句关系词。what什么;where在哪里;whether是否。根据“wonder”可知,想知道对方是否赢了拔河比赛,应用whether引导宾语从句,故选C。16.(2023黑龙江牡丹江统考中考真题)If we study hard with big dreams, there is nothing ________ can’t be achieved.A.whoB.thatC.whom【答案】B【详解】句意:如果我们怀着远大的梦想努力学习,没有什么是不能实现的。考查定语从句。此处是定语从句,先行词是nothing,引导词在从句中作主语,只能用that引导。故选B。17.(2023辽宁营口中考真题)The Aerospace Square ________ was completed last year has become a new tourist attraction.A.whichB.whoC.whomD.where【答案】A【详解】句意:去年竣工的航天广场已成为一个新的旅游景点。考查定语从句。分析句子可知,“...was completed last year”是作定语修饰The Aerospace Square,所以是定语从句,先行词是物,空处在句中作主语,所以用关系词which引导。故选A。18.(2023辽宁营口中考真题)—Next Sunday is my grandmother’s birthday. I’m thinking about ________.—Good boy! And please give my best wishes to her.A.what present I gave herB.how I can give her a surpriseC.if I had a party for herD.where will my family have a big meal【答案】B【详解】句意:——下星期日是我奶奶的生日。我在想怎么给她一个惊喜。 ———好孩子!请代我向她问好。考查宾语从句。根据“Next Sunday is my grandmother’s birthday.”和“I’m thinking about …”可知,本题的时态为一般将来时或一般现在时,选项A和C是一般过去时,因此时态不对,排除;选项D的语序不对,应该用陈述句的语序;选项B为陈述句语序且符合时态。故选B。19.(2023黑龙江齐齐哈尔统考中考真题)— Excuse me, could you tell me ________?— You can take the No. 28 bus there. It’s about 20 minutes’ ride.A.how far Huaxing Middle School isB.how can I get to Huaxing Middle SchoolC.how long it takes to get to Huaxing Middle School【答案】A【详解】句意:——打扰一下,你能告诉我华兴中学有多远吗?——你可以在那里乘28路公共汽车。大约20分钟的车程。考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序,排除B选项;根据“It’s about 20 minutes’ ride.”可知是问距离的远近,A选项符合,故选A。20.(2023四川乐山统考中考真题)—Could you tell me ________?—In Education Bookshop near the school.A.where you bought the mapB.where did you buy the mapC.where could you buy the map【答案】A【详解】句意:——你能告诉我你在哪里买的地图吗?——在学校附近的教育书店。考查宾语从句。宾语从句应用陈述语序:连接词+主语+谓语,排除BC选项。故选A。21.(2023广西统考中考真题)—Excuse me, could you tell me ________?—At 7 o’clock in the evening.A.when the concert will startB.where we can buy concert ticketsC.who will sing songs at the concert【答案】A【详解】句意:——对不起,你能告诉我音乐会什么时候开始吗?——晚上7点。考查宾语从句。根据答语“At 7 o’clock in the evening.”可知,询问时间,故选A。22.(2023湖北孝感统考中考真题)—Safety is very important to all of us.—I agree. We students should learn ________ ourselves in the daily life.A.where to holdB.what to visitC.how to protectD.why to help【答案】C【详解】句意:——安全对我们所有人来说都非常重要。——我同意。我们学生应该学会如何在日常生活中保护自己。考查疑问词+动词不定式。where to hold在哪里举行;what to visit参观什么;how to protect如何保护;why to help为什么帮忙。根据“ourselves in the daily life”可知此处应是指在日常生活中保护自己,应用动词protect表示“保护”。故选C。23.(2023湖北孝感统考中考真题)—I want to know ________. —Maybe in the classroom.A.when will we buy themB.why they will like to go thereC.where will you go to workD.where we will have the singing training【答案】D【详解】句意:——我想知道我们将在哪里进行歌唱训练。——也许在教室里。考查宾语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除A和C选项。根据答语“Maybe in the classroom”可知,应是询问地点,用where引导宾语从句,故选D。24.(2023福建统考中考真题)—Would you please tell me ________?—By keeping a diary every day.A.why you want to study EnglishB.who you often speak English withC.how you improve your English writing【答案】C【详解】句意:——你能告诉我你是如何提高你的英语写作的吗?——通过每天写日记。考查宾语从句。why you want to study English你为什么想学英语;who you often speak English with你经常和谁说英语;how you improve your English writing你是如何提高你的英语写作的。根据“By keeping a diary every day.”可知是询问提高英语写作的方式。故选C。25.(2023湖北荆州统考中考真题)—What did the shopkeeper say to you?—She asked me _______.A.when did the shop closeB.if I preferred that T-shirtC.what else I will buyD.where did I see the style【答案】B【详解】句意:——店主对你说了什么?——她问我是否更喜欢那件t恤。考查宾语从句。分析句子可知,此处是宾语从句,需用“陈述语序”,可排除AD选项;主句是一般过去时,从句也要用相应的过去时态,故选B。26.(2023湖北鄂州统考中考真题)—Could you tell me ________ get something to eat?—Sure. There’s a restaurant down the street.A.what I canB.what can IC.where can ID.where I can【答案】D【详解】句意:——你能告诉我在哪里可以吃点东西吗?——当然。街那头有一家餐馆。考查where引导的宾语从句。what I can我可以什么;what can I错误表达,从句应用陈述语序;where can I错误表达,从句应用陈述语序;where I can我可以在哪里。根据“There’s a restaurant down the street.”和“tell me”可知,此处想知道可以吃饭的地方在哪里,应用where来引导宾语从句,从句应用陈述语序。故选D。27.(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)—Could you tell me ________?—I think watching cooking videos is a good way.A.how did you cook wellB.how can you cook wellC.how you can cook well【答案】C【详解】句意:——你能告诉我你是如何做好烹饪的吗?——我认为看做饭视频是一个好的方式。考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述句语序,故排除AB。故选C。28.(2023湖北武汉统考中考真题)This famous saying “When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers” tells us ________.A.how should we treat peopleB.who we can learn fromC.what did we say in publicD.why we need teachers【答案】B【详解】句意:“三人行,必有我师焉”这句名言告诉我们可以向谁学习。考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除A、C;根据“When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers”可知此句意为“三人行,必有我师焉”,即我们要向别人学习,用who引导宾语从句。故选B。29.(2023山东滨州统考中考真题)—Many students did well in this exam. I wonder ________.—Through their own efforts.A.why did they get a successB.what they learned from itC.whether they tried their bestD.how they made it finally【答案】D【详解】句意:——许多学生这次考试考得很好。我不知道他们最后是怎么做到的。——通过自己的努力。考查宾语从句。根据“Through their own efforts”可知此处询问是如何考好的,用how引导宾语从句。故选D。30.(2023甘肃白银统考中考真题)—Do you know ________?—Yes, there’s one here. It’s in the store.A.whom he is talking withB.when I can get to the hotelC.how to use the machineD.if there’s a restroom around here【答案】D【详解】句意:——你知道这附近有没有洗手间吗?——是的,这儿有一个。它在商店里。考查宾语从句。whom he is talking with他正在和谁说话;when I can get to the hotel我什么时候能到达酒店;how to use the machine如何使用这台机器;if there’s a restroom around here这附近有没有洗手间。根据“Yes, there’s one here. It’s in the store.”可知此处询问是否有某物,D项符合语境。故选D。31.(2023四川泸州统考中考真题)—Do you know Liu Cixin, the writer of a famous science fiction San Ti? I wonder ________.—In June, 1963.A.when was he bornB.where he was bornC.when he was bornD.where was he born【答案】C【详解】句意:——你知道著名科幻小说《三体》的作者刘慈欣吗?我想知道他是什么时候出生的。——1963年6月。考查宾语从句。根据“In June, 1963.”可知,问的是时间,排除B和D;宾语从句为陈述句语序。故选C。32.(2023天津统考中考真题)—Do you remember ________?—Sure. On the evening of May Day.A.how we got to the Jiefang BridgeB.how did we get to the Jiefang BridgeC.when the Jiefang Bridge opened itselfD.when did the Jiefang Bridge open itself【答案】C【详解】句意:——你还记得解放桥什么时候通车吗?——当然。在五一的晚上。考查宾语从句。remember后跟宾语从句,需用“陈述语序”,可排除BD选项;根据“On the evening of May Day.”可知此处询问的是时间。故选C。33.(2023云南统考中考真题)—Do you know ________?—Yes, in Hangzhou, a beautiful city in Zhejiang Province.A.when will the 19th Asian Games be heldB.when the 19th Asian Games will be heldC.where will the 19th Asian Games be heldD.where the 19th Asian Games will be held【答案】D【详解】句意:——你知道第19届亚运会将在哪里举行吗?——是的,在杭州,浙江省一座美丽的城市。考查宾语从句。根据“Do you know...?”及选项可知,此处要用宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述语序,排除AC选项;再根据“Yes, in Hangzhou,”可知此处是问亚运会举办的地点,应用where。故选D。34.(2023江苏连云港统考中考真题)—Sarah, do you know ________?—It’s on April 23.A.what is World Book DayB.what World Book Day isC.when is World Book DayD.when World Book Day is【答案】D【详解】句意:——萨拉,你知道世界读书日是在什么时候吗?——在4月23日。考查when引导的宾语从句。宾语从句应用陈述语序,故排除A、C。what World Book Day is什么是世界读书日;when World Book Day is世界读书日是在什么时候。根据答句“It’s on April 23.”可知此处应是when引导的宾语从句,询问时间。故选D。35.(2023四川成都统考中考真题)—Do you know ________ the Dragon Boat Festival is this year?—Sorry, I don’t know the exact date.A.howB.whyC.when【答案】C【详解】句意:——你知道今年端午节是什么时候吗?——对不起,我不知道确切的日期。考查宾语从句。how如何;why为什么;when何时。根据答语“Sorry, I don’t know the exact date.”可知,对时间提问,故选C。36.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)—I want to know ________ you got to Zigong yesterday.—By high-speed train.A.whereB.howC.when【答案】B【详解】句意:——我想知道你昨天是怎么到自贡的。——乘高铁。考查宾语从句引导词。根据答语“By high-speed train.”可知,对方式提问,故选B。37.(2023四川达州统考中考真题)—Excuse me, could you please tell me ________? I want to go shopping with you.—Maybe next Saturday afternoon.when are you going to Luofu Plazawhen you went to Luofu PlazaC.when you are going to Luofu Plaza【答案】C【详解】句意:——对不起,你能告诉我你什么时候去罗浮广场吗?我想和你一起去购物。——也许下周六下午吧。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除A;结合“Maybe next Saturday afternoon.”可知,是一般将来时。故选C。38.(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)— Excuse me, do you know ________? The bus has just left.— Yes. The next bus will arrive in half an hour.A.how I can get to the bus stationB.if there will be another busC.how much a bus ticket costs【答案】B【详解】句意:——对不起,你知道是否还有一班车吗?公共汽车刚刚开走了。——有的。下一班车半小时后到。考查宾语从句。how I can get to the bus station我怎么去公共汽车站;if there will be another bus是否还有一班车;how much a bus ticket costs一张公共汽车票要多少钱。根据答语“Yes. The next bus will arrive in half an hour.”可知,询问是否还有一班车,故选B。39.(2023江苏扬州统考中考真题)—I’m wondering ________ at a low price.—You can book one through our official APP.A.how I can buy the air ticketB.how can I buy the air ticketC.when I can buy the air ticketD.when can I buy the air ticket【答案】A【详解】句意:——我想知道什么时候能买到便宜的机票。——您可以通过我们的官方APP预订。考查宾语从句。根据“I’m wondering”可知,句子含宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除B和D;答句是订机票的方式,用how提问。故选A。40.(2023湖南怀化统考中考真题)—Jenny, do you know ______ ?—She is from Canada.A.where is the woman in red fromB.where the woman in red is fromC.what the woman in red likes【答案】B【详解】句意:——Jenny,你知道穿红衣服的女人来自哪里吗?——她来自加拿大。考查宾语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除A选项。结合答语“She is from Canada”可知,询问来自哪里,用where询问。故选B。考点2 定语从句1.(2023湖北十堰统考中考真题)I will remember the important people ________ helped and supported me in my life.A.whichB.whoseC.whomD.who【答案】D【详解】句意:我将记住在我的生活中帮助和支持我的重要的人。考查定语从句。which哪一个;whose谁的;whom谁;who谁。分析句子结构可知,此处是定语从句,先行词people是指人,在从句中作主语,用关系词who引导定语从句,故选D。2.(2023四川遂宁中考真题)Miss Xiang is a great teacher _________always makes her classes lively and fascinating.A.whichB.whoC.whatD.whom【答案】B【详解】句意:向老师是一位优秀的老师,她总是使她的课生动有趣。考查who引导的限制性定语从句。which(……的)那个;who谁;what什么;whom谁,who的宾格。分析句子结构,这是一个包含定语从句的复合句,先行词为a great teacher,因此空白处应填入指人的关系代词,在定语从句中作主语指人应用who来引导定语从句。故选B。3.(2023新疆中考真题)Lots of Chinese young people ___________ were born after 1995 use door-to-door cooking to save time.A.thatB.thoseC.whichD./【答案】A【详解】句意:为了节省时间,很多95后的中国年轻人都采用上门做饭的方式。考查定语从句引导词。that引导定语从句时,先行词是人/物,在句中作主语或宾语;those那些,指示代词;which引导定语从句时,先行词是物,在句中作主语或宾语;/不填。空后“...were born after 1995”在句中作定语修饰名词,先行词Chinese young people,指人,且空处在句中作主语,所以用who引导,故选A。4.(2023吉林统考中考真题)The students are reading books ________ are full of the “red spirit” these days.A.whoB.whereC.which【答案】C【详解】句意:这些天,学生们正在读充满“红色精神”的书。考查定语从句。who谁;where哪儿;which哪个。本句含定语从句,先行词books指物,引导词在从句中作主语,故选C。3.(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)— What can we do for the left-home children ________ need help?— We could help them with their study online on weekends.A.whichB.whoC.whom【答案】B【详解】句意:——我们能为需要帮助的留守儿童做些什么?——我们可以在周末帮助他们在线学习。考查定语从句。which先行词指物;who先行词指人,在从句中作主语;whom先行词指人,在从句中作宾语。本句先行词是the left-home children,指人,且空格处在从句中作主语,故用who引导定语从句。故选B。5.(2023黑龙江绥化统考中考真题)Mrs. Wang is an English teacher ________ makes her class lively.A.whichB.whoseC.who【答案】C【详解】句意:王老师是一位英语老师,她使她的课堂生动活泼。考查定语从句。句子含定语从句,先行词是teacher,指人,从句缺主语,用关系代词who引导从句。故选C。6.(2023四川乐山统考中考真题)Guo Moruo is a famous Chinese writer ________ is popular around the world.A.whichB.whomC.who【答案】C【详解】句意:郭沫若是一位著名的中国作家,在世界各地都很受欢迎。考查定语从句。which指物,从句作主语,宾语;whom指人,从句作宾语;who指人,从句中作主语,宾语。根据语义及句子结构可知,前后为两个句子,且空后句子为定语从句,修饰先行词writer“作家”,指人,且在定语从句中充当主语,用关系词who。故选C。7.(2023湖南株洲统考中考真题)Today’s China is a country ________ keeps to this national character.A.whatB.whoC.that【答案】C【详解】句意:今天的中国是一个保持这种民族性的国家。考查定语从句。此处是定语从句,先行词是“a country”,指物,引导词在从句中作主语,故选C。8.(2023湖南郴州统考中考真题)Tea is the leaf of a plant ________ grows widely in China, Japan and other countries.A.whatB.whoC.that【答案】C【详解】句意:茶是一种广泛生长在中国、日本和其他国家的植物的叶子。考查定语从句。分析题干可知,这是一个定语从句,先行词“a plant”为物,空处在定语从句中作主语,应用that/which引导,故选C。9.(2023湖南岳阳统考中考真题)Lei Feng is a great person ________ sets a good example to us.A.whoB.whichC.whose【答案】A【详解】句意:雷锋是一个伟大的人,他给我们树立了好榜样。考查定语从句。此处是定语从句,先行词是人,引导词在从句中作主语,故选A。10.(2023四川成都统考中考真题)He showed me the photos ________ he took at his graduation ceremony.A.thatB.whoC.what【答案】A【详解】句意:他给我看了他在毕业典礼上拍的照片。考查定语从句。that引导定语从句,先行词是人/物;who引导定语从句,先行词是人;what不引导定语从句。本句中先行词“the photos”是物,且在句中作宾语,用引导词that。故选A。(2022中考真题)考点1 宾语从句1.(2022湖南益阳中考真题)—You look tired. I wonder ________ last night.—I didn’t go to bed until eleven for preparing a report.A.when you go to bedB.when you went to bedC.when did you go to bed【答案】B【解析】句意:——你看起来很疲惫。我想知道你昨晚什么时候睡觉的。——为了准备一份报告,我直到11点才去睡觉。考查宾语从句。分析成分可知,空格处到句末为宾语从句,应用陈述句语序,排除C;根据“last night”可知,此宾语从句应用一般过去时。故选B。2.(2022湖南湘西中考真题)—Excuse me, could you please tell me ________? —For drying the shoes and clothes quickly in winter.A.what is the machine used for B.what the machine is used forC.how does the machine work【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:——打扰一下,你能告诉我这台机器是干什么用的吗?——用于在冬天快速烘干鞋子和衣服。考查宾语从句。tell后缺少直接宾语,用宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序,排除AC。故选B。3.(2022辽宁大连中考真题)—Do you know ________.—At 9:00 a.m.A.where the Science Museum isB.when the Science Museum opensC.where is the Science MuseumD.when does the Science Museum open【答案】B【解析】句意:——你知道科学博物馆什么时候开放吗?——上午9点。考查宾语从句。know后缺少宾语,用宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序,据此排除CD选项。根据“At 9:00 a.m.”可知是问时间,故选B。4.(2022辽宁沈阳中考真题)—Hi, Tom. Could you tell me ________?—I’ll go there next Sunday.A.how you will go to Beiling ParkB.when you will go to Beiling ParkC.how will you go to Beiling ParkD.when will you go to Beiling Park【答案】B【解析】句意:——你好,汤姆。你能告诉我你什么时候去北陵公园吗?——我下星期天要去那里。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除CD;根据答语“I’ll go there next Sunday.”可知,对时间进行提问,故选B。5.(2022广西玉林中考真题)—As a teenager, do you know ________ when you are in trouble?—Yes, I can ask my parents, teachers or any other adult I trust. A.who can you ask for helpB.how can you ask for helpC.who you can ask for helpD.how you can ask for help【答案】C【解析】句意:——作为一个青少年,你知道当你遇到困难时可以向谁寻求帮助吗?——是的,我可以问我的父母、老师或我信任的任何其他成年人。考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除AB;根据“I can ask my parents, teachers or any other adult I trust”可知上文询问向谁寻求帮助,用who引导宾语从句。故选C。6.(2022广西梧州中考真题)—Mr.Brown, could you tell me ________ our Chinese exam?—Sure. It will be in Room 201.A.when will we haveB.where will we haveC.when we will haveD.where we will have【答案】D【解析】句意:——布朗先生,你能告诉我语文考试在哪里举行吗?——当然可以。在201房间。考查宾语从句。宾语从句使用陈述语序,排除AB选项。根据“It will be in Room 201.”可知是指地点,用where引导宾语从句,故选D。7.(2022山东滨州中考真题)—Do you know ________?—Yes. We should try to waste less but recycle more.A.how can we live a green lifeB.how we can live a green lifeC.why should we live a green lifeD.when we should live a green life【答案】B【解析】句意:——你知道我们如何过绿色生活吗?——是的。我们应该尽量少浪费,多回收利用。考查宾语从句。根据“Do you know...”可知,此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,可排除AC选项;再根据“We should try to waste less but recycle more.”可知,这是过绿色生活的方式,用how引导宾语从句。故选B。8.(2022湖南邵阳中考真题)— Could you tell me ________ the Dragon-boat Festival, Jackson?— I had a family get-together and ate delicious zongzi.A.how you spentB.how did you spendC.when you spent【答案】A【解析】句意:——Jackson,你可以告诉我你如何度过端午节吗?——我有一个家庭聚会,吃美味的粽子。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除B选项。根据答语“I had a family get-together and ate delicious zongzi”可知,此处询问度过节日的方式,用how引导宾语从句,故选A。9.(2022广西河池中考真题)—David, could you tell me ________?—He is tall and has short hair.A.what our new P.E. teacher looks likeB.what our new P.E. teacher likesC.where our new P.E. teacher comes fromD.when our new P.E. teacher was born【答案】A【解析】句意:——你可以告诉我我们新来的体育老师长什么样吗?——他个子很高,短头发。考查宾语从句。what our new P.E. teacher looks like我们新来的体育老师长什么样;what our new P.E. teacher likes我们新来的体育老师喜欢什么;where our new P.E. teacher comes from我们新来的体育老师从哪里来;when our new P.E. teacher was born我们新来的体育老师什么时候出生的。根据答句“He is tall and has short hair.”可知他个子很高,短头发。可推测问题应是询问我们新来的体育老师长什么样。故选A。10.(2022辽宁盘锦中考真题)He asked _________.A.how was the weather todayB.where Grace rides a bikeC.when Wang Yaping returned to the earthD.that Bryan played soccer well【答案】C【解析】句意:他问王亚平什么时候返回地球。考查宾语从句。根据“He asked”可知,该句是含有宾语从句的复合句,宾语从句要用陈述句语序,排除A项;主句时态为一般过去时,从句也要用过去时态,排除B项;再根据“asked”可知,其后通常接疑问词引导的宾语从句,排除D项。故选C。11.(2022辽宁营口中考真题)—Jane, could you please tell me ________? —I take exercise at least an hour every day.A.how you keep healthy and strongB.when you joined the swimming clubC.where you do exerciseD.who you play tennis with【答案】A【解析】——简,你能告诉我你是如何保持健康强壮的吗?——我每天至少锻炼一个小时。考查宾语从句。根据题干及备选项可知,此处考查宾语从句。再根据“I take exercise at least an hour every day.”可知,此处询问方式,则引导词为how。故选A。12.(2022江苏常州中考真题)—Mum, do you know ________? An engineer.—That’s interesting. I guess you often fix things for others in your school.A.what do my classmates call meB.what my classmates call meC.why do my classmates call meD.why my classmates call me【答案】B【解析】句意:——妈妈,你知道我的同学叫我什么吗?一名工程师。——这很有趣。我猜你经常在学校帮别人修东西。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除AC;根据“An engineer.”可知,是“叫我什么”,用what。故选B。13.(2022江苏镇江中考真题)SHENZHOU-14 was lifted off successfully! Could you tell me _______?A.in which centre it will be lifted offB.who entered China Space Station this timeC.what will it mean to the development of ChinaD.that three astronauts entered China Space Station【答案】B【解析】句意:神舟14号成功发射了!你能告诉我这次是谁进入了中国空间站吗?考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序:连接词+主语+谓语,据此排除C选项,A选项形式错误,排除;此句是询问对方一件事情,D选项不符合,故选B。14.(2022辽宁朝阳中考真题)—Excuse me, could you please tell me_________?—By working hard and never giving up.A.who you often practice English withB.if you will pay more attention to the traffic rulesC.when you got used to the life hereD.how you will achieve your dream【答案】D【解析】句意:——打扰一下,你能告诉我你将如何实现你的梦想吗?——通过努力工作和永不放弃。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,根据答语“By working hard and never giving up.”可知,此处对方式进行提问,故选D。15.(2022山东菏泽中考真题)—Can you tell me ________, Jill? —It is a book about paper cutting.A.how to borrow a bookB.what you are readingC.where to copy a book【答案】B【解析】句意:——你能告诉我你在读什么吗,吉尔? ——这是一本关于剪纸的书。考查宾语从句。how to borrow a book如何借书;what you are reading你在读什么,what引导宾语从句;where to copy a book在哪里抄写一本书。根据答语“It is a book about paper cutting.”可知问句应是询问在看什么书,动词tell后可接what引导的宾语从句。故选B。16.(2022黑龙江哈尔滨中考真题)—Could you tell me ________ on weekdays?—I usually go to school on foot but sometimes by bike.A.why do you go to schoolB.when you went to schoolC.how you go to school【答案】C【解析】句意:——你能告诉我你平日怎么去上学吗?——我通常步行去上学,但有时骑自行车。 考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除A选项。根据答语“on foot but sometimes by bike”可知,从句是询问上学的方式,用how引导宾语从句,故选C。17.(2022广西贵港中考真题)— I wonder ________.— I’m not sure. Maybe yes.A.if has Dave got his driver’s licenseB.how long has Dave got his driver’s licenseC.if Dave has got his driver’s licenseD.how long Dave has got his driver’s license【答案】C【解析】句意:——我想知道Dave是否取得了驾驶证。——我不确定。或许是的。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除A和B选项。根据答语“I’m not sure. Maybe yes”可知,从句应是询问是否考取了驾驶证,故选C。18.(2022湖南郴州中考真题)—Have you decided ________ on vacation? —Not yet. Our vacation is two weeks away.A.where you will goB.where will you goC.how will you go【答案】A【解析】句意:——你决定去哪里度假了吗?——还没有。我们的假期还有两周。考查宾语从句。根据“Have you decided”可知,本句是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,可排除BC选项。故选A。19.(2022北京中考真题)—Do you know _________ the new national park?—Yes, I do. To protect wildlife and benefit the local people.A.why did China set upB.why China set upC.when did China set upD.when China set up【答案】B【解析】句意:——你知道中国为什么要建立新的国家公园吗?——是的,我知道。为了保护野生动物,造福当地人民。 考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除AC;根据答语“To protect wildlife and benefit the local people.”可知,此处表示目的,故选B。20.(2022四川凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所中考真题)—Excuse me, could you please tell me ________?—Sure. Go down Long Street and turn left. You can’t miss it.A.how I can get to the cinemaB.when the movie startsC.whether you like it【答案】A【解析】句意:——打扰一下,你能告诉我去电影院怎么走吗?——当然。 沿着长街走,然后左转。你不会找不到的。 考查宾语从句。根据答语“Go down Long Street and turn left. You can’t miss it.”可知,此处在问路,询问方式用how,故选A。21.(2022湖北湖北中考真题)—I wonder ________.—I’m not sure. Maybe next week.A.where they will goB.who will give us a talkC.how he will come backD.when her baby will be born【答案】D【解析】句意:——我想知道她的孩子什么时候出生。 ——我不知道。也许下个星期。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除B;结合答语“Maybe next week.”可知,此处对时间进行提问,故选D。22.(2022湖北荆州中考真题)—Could you please tell me ________? —You can park it in the parking lot, across from the street.A.where I can park my carB.when I can park my carC.how can I get to the parking lotD.it is the way to the parking lot【答案】A【解析】句意:——你能告诉我可以把车停在哪里吗?——你可以把车停在街对面的停车场。考查宾语从句。where I can park my car我可以把车停在哪里;when I can park my car我可以什么时候停车;how can I get to the parking lot我如何去停车场;it is the way to the parking lot这是去停车场的路。根据答语“You can park it in the parking lot, across from the street.”可知,问句询问在哪里停车,用where引导宾语从句。故选A。23.(2022辽宁辽宁中考真题)—I wonder ________.—It was wonderful! We had fun at the city park.A.where you went last weekendB.how your last weekend wasC.why you were busy last weekendD.what you did last weekend【答案】B【解析】句意:——我想知道你上个周末过得怎么样。——太棒了!我们在城市公园玩得很开心。考查宾语从句。where you went last weekend你上周末去了哪里;how your last weekend was你上周末过得怎么样;why you were busy last weekend你为什么上周末很忙;what you did last weekend你上周末做了什么。根据“It was wonderful!”可知,此处是问上周过得怎样,用how引导宾语从句。故选B。24.(2022湖北湖北中考真题)—Excuse me, I’m new here. Could you tell me ________?—Sure. Go along this road, and you can’t miss it.A.where was the museumB.how can I get to the museumC.where is the museumD.how I can get to the museum【答案】D【解析】句意:——打扰一下,我是新来的。你能告诉我怎么去博物馆吗?——当然。 沿着这条路走,你不会错过它的。考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除A、B、C。故选D。25.(2022吉林中考真题)—Kate, do you know ________?—In the school hall.A.when we’ll have the English partyB.why we’ll have the English partyC.where we’ll have the English party【答案】C【解析】句意:——Kate,你知道我们将在哪里举办英语派对吗?——在学校礼堂。考查宾语从句。when we’ll have the English party我们什么时候举办英语派对;why we’ll have the English party我们为什么举办英语派对;where we’ll have the English party我们将在哪里举办英语派对。根据答语“In the school hall”可知,询问某个活动的举办地点,用where引导宾语从句,故选C。26.(2022广西中考真题)— Excuse me, could you tell me ________?— Sure. Walk along the street for about 10 minutes. You will see it on your right.A.when the Science Museum is openB.how I can get to the Science MuseumC.how old the Science Museum is【答案】B【解析】句意:——打扰一下,你能告诉我怎么去科学博物馆吗?——当然可以。沿着这条街走大约10分钟。 你会看到它在你的右边。考查宾语从句。when the Science Museum is open科学博物馆什么时候开放;how I can get to the Science Museum我怎么去科学博物馆;how old the Science Museum is科学博物馆有多少年历史了。根据答语“Walk along the street for about 10 minutes. You will see it on your right”可知,此处询问如何去博物馆,故选B。27.(2022黑龙江绥化中考真题)—I can’t imagine ________ in 2050.—I think it will be more and more wonderful.A.how our life wasB.what will our life be likeC.what our life will be like【答案】C【解析】句意:——我无法想象2050年我们的生活会是什么样子。——我想它会越来越精彩。考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述句语序,排除B选项;结合“in 2050”可知,从句表达将来的事情,应用一般将来时,故选C。28.(2022黑龙江黑龙江中考真题)I plan to go to the art museum, but I’m not sure ________.A.how I can get thereB.how can I get thereC.how could I get there【答案】A【解析】句意:我计划去艺术博物馆,但我不确定怎么去。考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述句语序,即“引导词+主谓+...”,排除B/C选项;故选A。29.(2022黑龙江中考真题)He asked me ________.A.where can he find a supermarketB.if I know the way to the supermarketC.how he could get to the supermarket【答案】C【解析】句意:他问我怎样才能去超市。考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序:连接词+主语+谓语,据此排除A选项。主句时态是一般过去时,从句也相应地用过去时,排除B,故选C。30.(2022贵州毕节中考真题)—Could you tell me ________ pay the bills? —You can pay your bills through Alipay(支付宝)online.A.how much I’llB.how many I’llC.how can ID.how I can【答案】D【解析】句意:——你可以告诉我如何支付账单吗?——你可以通过支付宝在线支付账单。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除C选项。根据“through Alipay(支付宝)online”可知,询问支付方式,用how引导宾语从句,故选D。31.(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)—Tom, could you tell me ______?—She is an office worker.A.who is sheB.who she isC.what she isD.what is she【答案】C【解析】句意:——Tom,你能告诉我她是做什么的吗?——她是一个办公室工作人员。考查宾语从句。宾语从句应用陈述句语序,故排除A和D项;根据“She is an office worker.”可知回答的是职业,故排除B项。故选C。32.(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)—Your son’s dream will come true as long as ______.—I hope so.A.he will study hardB.she will study hardC.he studies hardD.she studies hard【答案】C【解析】句意:——只要你儿子努力学习,他的梦想就会实现。——希望如此。考查时态以及人称单词。根据“Your son’s...”可知此处指你儿子努力,用代词he,排除BD;句子是as long as引导的条件状语从句,从句中用一般现在时,主语是he,谓语动词用第三人称单数。故选C。33.(2022海南中考真题)—Have you decided ________ the children in the poor area?—By sending them books and schoolbags.A.how you will helpB.how will you helpC.when you will help【答案】A【解析】句意:——你决定好如何帮助贫困地区的孩子了吗?——给他们寄书和书包。考查宾语从句。根据“decided”可知,本句是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除B选项;再根据“By sending them books and schoolbags.”可知,此处是询问帮助孩子的方式,用疑问词how引导宾语从句。故选A。34.(2022广西贺州中考真题)—Could you please tell me ________?—Next Sunday morning.A.when we will go to Gupo MountainB.when will we go to Gupo MountainC.why we went to Gupo MountainD.why did we go to Gupo Mountain【答案】A【解析】句意:——你能告诉我什么时候去姑坡山吗?——下周日早上。考查宾语从句。根据“Could you please tell me”可知,此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除BD选项;再根据“Next Sunday morning”可知,此处是询问时间,用when引导宾语从句。故选A。35.(2022江苏无锡中考真题)— There will be a robot on show in our school next week.— Really? I wonder ________.A.what it likesB.what it is likeC.what does it likeD.what is it like【答案】B【解析】句意:——下周将有一个机器人在我们学校展出。——真的?我想知道它是什么样的。考查宾语从句。此句是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除选项C、D;根据“There will be a robot on show in our school next week.”可知,询问机器人是什么样子,故选B。36.(2022福建中考真题)—Could you tell me ________?—In Fuzhou University.A.when your brother will startB.what your brother looks likeC.where your brother is studying【答案】C【解析】句意:——你能告诉我你哥哥在哪里学习吗?——在福州大学。考察宾语从句。when your brother will start你哥哥什么时候动身;what your brother looks like你哥哥长什么样子;where your brother is studying你哥哥在哪里学习。根据答语“In Fuzhou University”可知,是询问地点,所以用where引导宾语从句,故选C。37.(2022湖北鄂州中考真题)— Could you please tell me _________ buy a magazine? — There is a bookstore on the third floor.A.how can IB.where can IC.how I canD.where I can【答案】D【解析】句意:——你能告诉我在哪能买到杂志么?——在第三层有一家书店。考查宾语从句。“tell me”后是宾语从句,从句是陈述句的语序,即“引导词+主语+谓语动词”。A和B选项的语序错误。根据“There is a bookstore on the third floor”可知从句表达“在哪里能买到杂志”,用疑问词“where”引导从句。故选D。38.(2022天津中考真题)—Could you tell me ________?—It’s about 6,300 kilometres long.A.how wide is the Changjiang RiverB.how wide the Changjiang River isC.how long is the Changjiang RiverD.how long the Changjiang River is【答案】D【解析】句意:——你能告诉我长江有多长吗?——它长约6300公里。考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除A、C;根据“It’s about 6,300 kilometres long”可知上文询问长度,用how long引导宾语从句。故选D。39.(2022新疆中考真题)—I wonder ________.—Yes, it tastes really nice.A.who likes eating zongziB.where we can buy this kind of zongziC.how much we should pay for this kind of zongziD.if Jiaxing zongzi is delicious【答案】D【解析】句意:——我想知道嘉兴粽子好吃吗?——是的,味道很好。考查宾语从句。分析句子结构可知,是宾语从句;根据“Yes, it tastes really nice.”可知,上句应该是询问食物是否好吃;故选D。40.(2022云南昆明中考真题)— Could you please tell me ________ when they meet for the first time in China?— They usually shake hands.A.what do people usually doB.what people usually doC.where do people usually goD.where people usually go【答案】B【解析】句意:——你能告诉我人们在中国第一次见面时通常会做什么吗?——他们通常握手。考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除AC;根据“They usually shake hands”可知上文询问第一次见面做什么,用what引导宾语从句。故选B。41.(2022云南中考真题)— Your stamps are so fantastic. Could you please tell me ________?— Oh, I bought them in the post office next to the bank.A.why did you buy themB.where did you buy themC.why you bought themD.where you bought them【答案】D【解析】句意:——你的邮票太棒了。 你能告诉我你在哪里买的吗?——哦,我在银行旁边的邮局买的。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除A和B选项。根据答语“I bought them in the post office next to the bank”可知,询问在哪里买的,用where引导宾语从句,故选D。42.(2022浙江温州中考真题)—Nancy, do you know ________?—In 1957, I think.A.who wrote the play TeahouseB.what the play Teahouse is aboutC.when the play Teahouse was writtenD.why Lao She wrote the play Teahouse【答案】C【解析】句意:——Nancy,你知道话剧《茶馆》是什么时候写的吗?——我认为是在1957年。考查宾语从句。who wrote the play Teahouse谁写的话剧《茶馆》;what the play Teahouse is about话剧《茶馆》是关于什么的;when the play Teahouse was written话剧《茶馆》是什么时候写的;why Lao She wrote the play Teahouse老舍为什么写话剧《茶馆》。根据答语“In 1957”可知,应用when引导宾语从句,故选C。43.(2022重庆A卷中考真题)—Can you tell me ________?—Yes, In the language center.A.where will the speech competition be heldB.where the speech competition will be heldC.when will the speech competition be heldD.when the speech competition will be held【答案】B【解析】句意:——你能告诉我演讲比赛将在哪里举行吗?——是的,在语言中心。考查宾语从句。tell后缺少直接宾语,用宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序,排除AC;再由“Yes, In the language center.”可知问地点,用where引导宾语从句,排除D。故选B。44.(2022重庆B卷中考真题)—Excuse me, do you know ________?—Yes. Next Friday.A.when will the volunteers come backB.when the volunteers will come backC.how will the volunteers come backD.how the volunteers will come back【答案】B【解析】句意:——打扰一下,你知道志愿者什么时候回来吗?——知道。下星期五。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除AC;根据答语“Next Friday.”可知,对时间提问,故选B。45.(2022甘肃武威中考真题)I wonder ________ .A.that April is the hottest month in ThailandB.do you know where I can buy some medicineC.whether June is a good time to visit GansuD.how can I improve my pronunciation【答案】C【解析】句意:我想知道六月是不是去甘肃旅游的好时机。考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述句语序,排除B/D选项;结合“I wonder”可知,从句应该是问一个问题,而that是引导陈述句,排除A选项,故选C。46.(2022湖北武汉中考真题)—Can you tell me ________?—To get practical skills.A.what do you learn about safetyB.when do you have the art festivalC.how you balance your studies and hobbiesD.why you learn cooking at school【答案】D【解析】句意:——你能告诉我你为什么在学校学烹饪吗?——为了获得实用技能。考查宾语从句。tell后缺少直接宾语,用宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序,排除AB;再由“To get practical skills”可知此处询问做某事的原因,用why引导的宾语从句。故选D。47.(2022湖南怀化中考真题)—Do you know _______?—She is a teacher.A.What is Linda’s jobB.What Linda’s job isC.What was Linda’s job【答案】B【解析】句意:——你知道琳达的工作是什么吗?——她是一名教师。考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述句语序,排除A/C选项,主句是一般现在时,从句时态不受限制,结合回答可知,询问现在的情况,应用一般现在时,故选B。48.(2022湖南岳阳中考真题)They wonder _______.A.if robots will think like a human in 25 to 50 yearsB.if will robots think like a human in 25 to 50 yearsC.when robots will think like a human in 25 to 50 years【答案】A【解析】句意:他们想知道是否在25到50年之后机器人会像人一样思考。考查宾语从句。动词“wonder”后是宾语从句,是陈述句的语序,即“引导词+主语+谓语动词”。B的语序错误。根据“wonder”可知宾语从句表达的含义不确定,用“if”引导从句。A选项“if robots will think like a human in 25 to 50 years”,表达“是否在25到50年之后机器人会像人一样思考”,符合题意。故选A。49.(2022江苏连云港中考真题)—Could you please tell me ________?—You can take No. 2 Bus.A.when was the nearest hospital builtB.how can I get to the nearest hospitalC.when the nearest hospital was builtD.how I can get to the nearest hospital【答案】D【解析】句意:——你能告诉我怎么去最近的医院吗?——你可以坐2路公共汽车。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除选项A、B;根据“You can take No. 2 Bus.”可知,此处询问交通方式,用how引导宾语从句。故选D。50.(2022江苏宿迁中考真题)—Jenny, do you know ________?—Er, next Tuesday.A.when the sports meeting will take placeB.when will the sports meeting take placeC.where the sports meeting will take placeD.where will the sports meeting take place【答案】A【解析】句意:——珍妮,你知道运动会什么时候举行吗?——额,下周二。考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除BD;根据“next Tuesday”可知上文询问时间,用when引导宾语从句。故选A。51.(2022江苏扬州中考真题)—Excuse me, could you tell me ________?—You can take No. 6 bus there. It’s about 15 minutes’ ride.A.how far is the Slender West LakeB.how far the Slender West Lake isC.how can I get to the Slender West LakeD.how I can get to the Slender West Lake【答案】D【解析】句意:——打扰一下,你能告诉我怎么去瘦西湖吗?——你可以在那里乘坐6路公交车。大约15分钟的车程。考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除AC;根据“You can take No. 6 bus there”可知上句询问应如何去某地,用how引导宾语从句。故选D。52.(2022四川成都中考真题)—I wonder _______ life will be different in the future. —Maybe we will be able to live on another planet with the development of space technology.A.whenB.howC.what【答案】B【解析】句意:——我想知道未来的生活会有什么不同。——也许随着太空技术的发展,我们将能够生活在另一个星球上。考查宾语从句。when何时;how如何,怎样;what什么。根据“I wonder...life will be different in the future.”可知,此处含宾语从句,从句为主系表结构,不缺主要成分,排除C;结合答句可知,询问生活会有怎样的不同,用how引导宾语从句。故选B。53.(2022四川达州中考真题)— I wonder ________ late for school yesterday. — Bad luck! I got up late and missed the bus.A.how you wereB.why were youC.how were youD.why you were【答案】D【解析】句意:——我想知道你昨天为什么上学迟到了。 ——运气太差了!我起晚了,没赶上公共汽车。 考查宾语从句。宾语从句需用陈述语序,排除BC;根据“I got up late and missed the bus.”可知,此处解释迟到的原因,故选D。54.(2022四川乐山中考真题)—Hi, Jack. Do you know __________? I want to thank him or her in person. —No, it was just left on the front desk.A.who sent my wallet backB.where did they find my walletC.how much money was in my wallet【答案】A【解析】句意:——嗨,杰克。你知道是谁把我的钱包送回来的吗?我想亲自感谢他或她。——不知道,只是放在前台了。考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序,排除B;根据“I want to thank him or her in person.”可知,此处是问谁把我的钱包送回来的,用who引导的宾语从句,故选A。55.(2022四川泸州中考真题)—Could you tell me ________ for the fruit? —You can just pay on the phone.how much will I payB.how will I payC.how much I will payD.how I will pay【答案】D【解析】句意:——你能告诉我怎么付水果的钱吗?——你只需在手机上付款即可。考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除AB;根据“You can just pay on the phone”可知此处询问付款方式,用how引导宾语从句。故选D。56.(2022四川广元中考真题)—The 2022 Winter Olympics was held in China. Do you know ______?—Yes. In Beijing and Zhangjiakou.A.when it was heldB.when was it heldC.which cities was it held inD.which cities it was held in【答案】D【解析】句意:——2022年冬奥会在中国举行。 你知道它在哪些城市举行吗?——是的。 在北京和张家口。考查宾语从句。根据“Do you know”可知,本句是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,可排除BC选项;再根据“In Beijing and Zhangjiakou.”可知,此处是询问的是地点,在哪些地方举办。故选D。57.(2022湖北十堰中考真题)—Could you please tell me ________ ?—Next Sunday.A.when I can get back my notebookB.when can I get back my notebookC.how long I can get back my notebookD.how long can I get back my notebook【答案】A【解析】句意:——你能告诉我什么时候我能拿回我的笔记本吗? ——下个星期天。 考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序,排除BD;根据答语“Next Sunday.”可知,对时间点提问,故选A。考点2 定语从句1.(2022四川成都中考真题)Rome is an ancient city _______ is full of places of interest.A.whereB.whichC.who【答案】B【解析】句意:罗马是一座充满名胜古迹的古城。考查定语从句。句子是定语从句,先行词是物“an ancient city”,关系词在从句中作主语,用which引导定语从句。故选B。2.(2022四川达州中考真题)—Do you like the movie ________ is called The Battle at Lake Changjin?—Sure. I think no movie is ________ than it.A.that; more touchingB.what; less touchingC.that; more touchedD.which; less touched【答案】A【解析】句意:——你喜欢《长津湖》这部电影吗?——当然。我认为没有哪部电影比它更感人了。考查定语从句和形容词辨析。第一处是定语从句,先行词是物,引导词在从句中作主语,排除B。touching感人的;touched感动的。此处修饰电影,用ing结尾的形容词,排除CD。故选A。3.(2022四川乐山中考真题)— What kind of books do you like best?— I like books ________ are about science and technology.A.whoB.whomC.which【答案】C【解析】句意:——你最喜欢什么类型的书?——我喜欢关于科学和技术的书。 考查定语从句。此处是定语从句,先行词books是指物,在从句中作主语,应用关系词which引导定语从句,故选C。4.(2022四川自贡中考真题)—What do you think of the Monkey King?—I think he’s a hero ________ keeps fighting to help the weak people.A.whoB.whereC.whose【答案】A【解析】句意:——你觉得孙悟空怎么样?——我认为他是一个为帮助弱者而不断战斗的英雄。考查定语从句。who谁;where哪里;whose谁的。句子是定语从句,先行词是人hero,关系词在从句中作主语,用who引导定语从句。故选A。5.(2022湖北十堰中考真题)Students love the teachers ________ are outgoing and humorous.A.whoB.whomC.whichD.whose【答案】A【解析】句意:学生喜欢开朗幽默的老师。 考查定语从句。此处含定语从句,先行词是人,引导词在从句中作主语,故选A。6.(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)—Is the woman ______ walked past just now your teacher?—Yes, she teaches ______ English and we all love her very much.A.which; ourB.who; usC.which; usD.that; our【答案】B【解析】句意:——刚才走过的那个女人是你的老师吗?——是的,她教我们英语,我们都非常喜欢她。考查定语从句以及代词辨析。第一空所在句子是定语从句,先行词woman是指人,在从句中作主语,应用who或that引导定语从句,排除A和C选项。us我们,人称代词宾格;our我们的,形容词性物主代词。第二空位于动词teach后,应填人称代词宾格作宾语,故选B。7.(2022湖南郴州中考真题)—Do you know the woman ________ is giving a lesson in space now? —Of course. She is Wang Yaping.A.whichB.whomC.who【答案】C【解析】句意:——你认识正在上太空课的那位女士吗?——当然。她是王亚平。考查定语从句。此句是定语从句,先行词woman是指人,在从句中作主语,用who引导定语从句,故选C。8.(2022辽宁朝阳中考真题)—What kind of movies do you like?—I prefer movies _________ me something to think about.A.whom giveB.who givesC.which giveD.that gives【答案】C【解析】句意:——你喜欢什么类型的电影?——我更喜欢能让我思考的电影。考查定语从句。whom指人,在从句中作宾语;who指人,在从句中作主语或宾语;which指物,在从句中作主语或宾语;that指人或物,在从句中作主语或宾语。此处的先行词为movies,表示物,排除AB选项,又因先行词是复数,从句谓语动词应用动词原形,故选C。9.(2022吉林中考真题)Mrs. Wang is an English teacher ________ makes her classes lively and interesting.A.whichB.whoC.what【答案】B【解析】句意:王老师是一位英语老师,她使她的课生动有趣。考查定语从句。此句是定语从句,先行词an English teacher是指人,在从句中作主语,用who引导定语从句,故选B。10.(2022广西柳州中考真题)Do you know the boy ________ is standing under the tree?A.whoB.whichC.where【答案】A【解析】句意:你认识站在树下的那个男孩吗?考查定语从句的关系词。who在引导的定语从句中作主语或宾语,指代人;which在引导的定语从句中作主语或宾语,指代物;where在引导的定语从句中作状语。分析句子可知,本句是定语从句,句中先行词是boy,指人,空处在从句中作主语,所以用who引导。故选A。11.(2022湖南邵阳中考真题)—What kind of music do you like, Linda?—I like music ________ I can dance to.A.whenB.thatC.what【答案】B【解析】句意:——琳达,你喜欢什么样的音乐?——我喜欢我能跟着跳舞的音乐。考查定语从句。when先行词是时间,在从句中做状语;that先行词是人/物,在从句中作主语/宾语;what不引导定语从句。空前先行词“music”是物,需用that引导定语从句。故选B。12.(2022黑龙江哈尔滨中考真题)—How exciting the speech is!—Pretty good! This is the best speech ________ I’ve ever heard.A.whichB.thatC.who【答案】B【解析】句意:——演讲多么令人兴奋啊!——相当不错!这是我听过的最好的演讲。 考查定语从句。此句是定语从句,先行词speech前有最高级修饰,要用that引导定语从句,故选B。13.(2022湖南株洲中考真题)Yuan Longping is a great scientist ________ will live in our heart forever.A.whichB.whoC.what【答案】B【解析】句意:袁隆平是一位永远会活在我们心里的科学家。考查定语从句的引导词。which指代物,关系代词;who指代人,关系代词;what什么,不用于引导定语从句。根据观察和分析可知题干包含一个定语从句,先行词是a great scientist,空格上应填一个代替先行词(人)且在从句中作主语的关系代词。故选B。14.(2022湖北恩施中考真题)China is the first nation ________ sent Chang’e to the far side of the moon.A.whichB.thatC.who【答案】B【解析】句意:中国是第一个将嫦娥发射到月球背面的国家。考查定语从句。which关系代词,先行词指物,在从句中作主语或宾语;that关系代词,先行词指物或人,在从句中作主语或宾语;who关系代词,先行词指人,在从句中作主语或宾语;句子先行词是nation,在句中作主语,且先行词被序数词修饰,此处关系代词用that,故选B。15.(2022黑龙江黑龙江中考真题)The boys __________ are playing football are from Class One.A.whichB.whoC.whose【答案】B【解析】句意:正在踢足球的男孩们来自一班。 考查定语从句。此句是定语从句,先行词boys是指人,在从句中作主语,用关系词who引导定语从句,故选B。16.(2022黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)— Jeff, what are you watching?— A short video about Zhang Guimei ________ stories move me deeply.A.whoB.whomC.whose【答案】C【解析】句意:——杰夫,你在看什么?——一个关于张桂梅的短视频,她的故事深深打动了我。考查定语从句。who指人,在从句中作主语或宾语;whom指人,在从句中作宾语;whose指人或物,在从句中作定语。从句成分完整,此处指的是张桂梅的故事,应用whose作定语,故选C。17.(2022辽宁营口中考真题)He ________ does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.A.whomB./C.whichD.who【答案】D【解析】句意:不到长城非好汉。考查定语从句。题干包含定语从句。先行词是“He”,在从句中作主语。whom作宾语,指代人;which作主语或宾语,指代物;who作主语或宾语,指代人。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时不能省略。故选D。18.(2022广西玉林中考真题)—Volunteering is a meaningful activity.—I agree. We should express thanks to the people ________ do volunteer jobs.A.whomB.whatC.whoD.which【答案】C【解析】句意:——做志愿者是一个有意义的活动。——我同意。我们应该感谢那些做志愿者工作的人。考查定语从句。此句是定语从句,先行词people是指人,在从句中作主语,用who引导定语从句,故选C。





